
Artikel akuntansi manajemen pdf
Artikel akuntansi manajemen pdf

Keywords: environmental management accounting, sustainable reporting, environmental quality cost. Menurut Horngren, Datar, dan Foster menyatakan bahwa Akuntansi Biaya akan memberikan informasi yang dibutuhkan untuk akuntansi manajemen dan. The common criteria employed is preventive cost. There are only four (4) companies which have devoted most of their activities to environmental issues Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, Tambang Batu Bara Bukit Asam (Persero) Tbk, Telelomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) Tbk, and United Tractors Tbk. This research finds that the most common activities conducted by the companies in taking their responsibilities to the environment is in waste management, energy efficiency, and nature preservation (in relation to biodiversity).

#Artikel akuntansi manajemen pdf pdf

The researcher conducts an analysis on 25 companies listed in 2013 SRI KEHATI index. Akuntansi manajemen lanjutan pdf This course requires an enrolment key Diposkan oleh Admin di Label: Akuntansi Manajemen, Modul Ekonomi Akuntansi Dalam Bab terdahulu kita tidak sempat mendiskusikan biaya dalam pengaruhnya pada Responcibility Accounting.

artikel akuntansi manajemen pdf

This research classifies the criteria of environmental costs into four (4) and analyses the companies indexed in SRI KEHATI. This research is aimed to explore the information of companies’ activity in relation to environmental issues. The cost and benefit of the companies’ activity in responding to environmental issues is regarded as information which needs to be revealed in sustainable reporting. Dari 1.720 artikel yang didapatkan dengan. One efforts which has been done is to disclose of maintaining environment quality. Kata kunci yang digunakan adalah honesty, managerial reporting, managerial behavior, dan honesty determinant factor. Companies need to take parts in this continuous development.

artikel akuntansi manajemen pdf

The problems with the environment which has grabbed the public attention is the main reason for the development of environmental management accounting. hubungan antara akuntansi kos, akuntansi manajemen, dan akuntansi keuangan 7.

Artikel akuntansi manajemen pdf